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Resolved /node_modules path inside PnP project info.

Dirs ending with '/node_modules/foo/node_modules' or '.../node_modules/foo/node_modules/@scope' do not physically exist, but we must pretend they do exist if package foo has dependencies and there is some package @scope/bar inside these dependencies. We need two things to emulate these dirs existence:

  1. List of entries in these dirs. We retrieve them by calling PnP API and getting dependencies for the issuer .../foo/ and store into dirList field
  2. And we need either fake stats or we can forward underlying fs to stat the issuer dir. The issuer dir exists on fs. We store issuer dir into statPath field




dirList?: Set<Filename>

Directory entries list, returned for pathes ending with /node_modules[/@scope]


forwardedDirPath?: PortablePath

This field is returned for pathes ending with /node_modules[/@scope].

These pathes are special in the sense they do not exists as physical dirs in PnP projects.

We emulate these pathes by forwarding to real physical path on underlying fs.


isSymlink?: boolean

If true, the entry is meant to be a symbolic link to the location pointed by resolvedPath.


resolvedPath: PortablePath

Fully resolved path /node_modules/... path within PnP project