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yarn workspaces foreach

Run a command on all workspaces.


$ yarn workspaces foreach <commandName> ...


Publish all packages :

yarn workspaces foreach -A --no-private npm publish --tolerate-republish

Run the build script on all descendant packages :

yarn workspaces foreach -A run build

Run the build script on current and all descendant packages in parallel, building package dependencies first :

yarn workspaces foreach -Apt run build

Run the build script on several packages and all their dependencies, building dependencies first :

yarn workspaces foreach -Rpt --from '{workspace-a,workspace-b}' run build


This command will run a given sub-command on current and all its descendant workspaces. Various flags can alter the exact behavior of the command:

  • If -p,--parallel is set, the commands will be ran in parallel; they'll by default be limited to a number of parallel tasks roughly equal to half your core number, but that can be overridden via -j,--jobs, or disabled by setting -j unlimited.

  • If -p,--parallel and -i,--interlaced are both set, Yarn will print the lines from the output as it receives them. If -i,--interlaced wasn't set, it would instead buffer the output from each process and print the resulting buffers only after their source processes have exited.

  • If -t,--topological is set, Yarn will only run the command after all workspaces that it depends on through the dependencies field have successfully finished executing. If --topological-dev is set, both the dependencies and devDependencies fields will be considered when figuring out the wait points.

  • If -A,--all is set, Yarn will run the command on all the workspaces of a project.

  • If -R,--recursive is set, Yarn will find workspaces to run the command on by recursively evaluating dependencies and devDependencies fields, instead of looking at the workspaces fields.

  • If -W,--worktree is set, Yarn will find workspaces to run the command on by looking at the current worktree.

  • If --from is set, Yarn will use the packages matching the 'from' glob as the starting point for any recursive search.

  • If --since is set, Yarn will only run the command on workspaces that have been modified since the specified ref. By default Yarn will use the refs specified by the changesetBaseRefs configuration option.

  • If --dry-run is set, Yarn will explain what it would do without actually doing anything.

  • The command may apply to only some workspaces through the use of --include which acts as a whitelist. The --exclude flag will do the opposite and will be a list of packages that mustn't execute the script. Both flags accept glob patterns (if valid Idents and supported by micromatch). Make sure to escape the patterns, to prevent your own shell from trying to expand them. You can also use the --no-private flag to avoid running the command in private workspaces.

The -v,--verbose flag can be passed up to twice: once to prefix output lines with the originating workspace's name, and again to include start/finish/timing log lines. Maximum verbosity is enabled by default in terminal environments.

If the command is run and the script being run does not exist the child workspace will be skipped without error.



--from #0

An array of glob pattern idents or paths from which to base any recursion


Run the command on all workspaces of a project


Run the command on the current workspace and all of its recursive dependencies


Run the command on all workspaces of the current worktree


Increase level of logging verbosity up to 2 times


Run the commands in parallel


Print the output of commands in real-time instead of buffering it

-j,--jobs #0

The maximum number of parallel tasks that the execution will be limited to; or unlimited


Run the command after all workspaces it depends on (regular) have finished


Run the command after all workspaces it depends on (regular + dev) have finished

--include #0

An array of glob pattern idents or paths; only matching workspaces will be traversed

--exclude #0

An array of glob pattern idents or paths; matching workspaces won't be traversed


Avoid running the command on private workspaces


Only include workspaces that have been changed since the specified ref.


Print the commands that would be run, without actually running them