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yarn config set

Change a configuration settings.


$ yarn config set <name> <value>


Set a simple configuration setting (a string, a number, or a boolean) :

yarn config set initScope myScope

Set a simple configuration setting (a string, a number, or a boolean) using the --json flag :

yarn config set initScope --json '"myScope"'

Set a complex configuration setting (an Array) using the --json flag :

yarn config set unsafeHttpWhitelist --json '["*", ""]'

Set a complex configuration setting (an Object) using the --json flag :

yarn config set packageExtensions --json '{ "@babel/parser@*": { "dependencies": { "@babel/types": "*" } } }'

Set a nested configuration setting :

yarn config set

Set a nested configuration setting using indexed access for non-simple keys :

yarn config set 'npmRegistries["//"].npmAuthToken' ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff


This command will set a configuration setting.

When used without the --json flag, it can only set a simple configuration setting (a string, a number, or a boolean).

When used with the --json flag, it can set both simple and complex configuration settings, including Arrays and Objects.




Set complex configuration settings to JSON values


Update the home configuration instead of the project configuration