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yarn npm logout

Logout of the npm registry.


$ yarn npm logout


Logout of the default registry :

Logout of the @my-scope scope :

yarn npm logout --scope my-scope

Logout of the publish registry for the current package :

yarn npm logout --publish

Logout of all registries :

yarn npm logout --all


This command will log you out by modifying your local configuration (in your home folder, never in the project itself) to delete all credentials linked to a registry.

Adding the -s,--scope flag will cause the deletion to be done against whatever registry is configured for the associated scope (see also npmScopes).

Adding the --publish flag will cause the deletion to be done against the registry used when publishing the package (see also publishConfig.registry and npmPublishRegistry).

Adding the -A,--all flag will cause the deletion to be done against all registries and scopes.



-s,--scope #0

Logout of the registry configured for a given scope


Logout of the publish registry


Logout of all registries